This is a new performance full of magical events of the Vilnius Stained Glass Puppet Theater "Rainbow", which has traveled to many countries and is a participant and laureate of many international festivals, the only professional in the Baltic States, in which not only stained glass, but also flying puppets and professional direct communication of actors with the audience creates a humorous story about miracles happening in nature. But who creates these miracles? To whom do we have to be grateful for those beauties that amaze us? Do we always recognize the true creator of those miracles? The play's libretto is based on the work of famous Lithuanian writer Renata Šerelytė for children. These and other questions raised in the performance are raised by the creators of the performance based on many years of stage experience and consultations not only with educational specialists and the audience, but also with the help of prominent artists. You will be able to find out how they are doing by visiting this performance and trying to answer them together with the creators of the performance during the conversation/discussion after the performance.