The concert program "Mystical Engagements" will introduce many unheard female composers of the 17th century. This program, created by the singer Renata Dubinskaitė, will open a new page in the history of 17th century music for listeners and will allow them to get to know as many as fourteen Italian female composers, ten of whom were nuns. R. Dubinskaitė's consistent interest in baroque music authors began in 2019. a recital dedicated to the anniversary of the composer Barbara Strozzi. It was followed by the CD "La voce sola. Barbara Strozzi" publishing house (Brilliant Classics), and the singer used the pandemic period to get to know other artists from the Baroque era.
The patriarchal social structure of the 17th century, which allowed women only two choices (marry or enter a monastery), meant that most talented women composed and played music behind the closed walls of monasteries. However, even here the self-expression of the Sisters of Faith was sometimes sought to be stifled, allowing only Gregorian chant to be practiced. The church hierarchs saw the danger in the music, in which the nuns' composers passionately conveyed their love for their divine fiancé - Christ. In fact, the sacred compositions of some monks in their expressiveness and sensibility are in no way inferior to the works of secular authors about earthly love. Composer nuns such as Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, Isabella Leonarda or Rosa Giacinta Badalla are astonishing both with the scope of their work and with their undoubted talent, which awaits wider recognition.
The title of the program "Mystical Betrothal" is a metaphor for the eternal monastic vows. Solemn, wedding-like rites with symbolic rituals and music took place and still take place during the consecration of a girl to the life of a nun. The pieces of the program combine into a single story about one girl's path from earthly love to divine love, vocation to monasticism and consecration to the mystical fiancé Christ. To perform this program, R. Dubinskaitė assembled an international team of female early music performers, thus restoring the tradition of music making in women's monasteries, where only the sisters themselves could play and sing. In addition to the soloist, the role of the senior nun will be played by the singer Saulė Šerytė, the Italian Elisa La Marca will play the lute, the French Chloe Lucas will play the violin, and the Latvian Ieva Salietė will play the organ and harpsichord.
MYSTICAL ENGAGEMENT | Italian women composers of the 17th century. creation Sesje