Young, talented, 32-year-old jazz pianist RICHARDAS BANYS and singer and flutist NEDA MALŪNAVIČIŪTĖ, who has 30 years of stage experience, met 7 years ago. They are both members of the jazz trio NEDA/LABUTIS/BANYS, but both performers are happy to dive into other genres and popular music. After Neda released 6 pop albums, songs were written for her by such composers as Andrius Kulikauskas, Aurelijs Ščiuka, Žeraldas Povilaitis, Oleg Ditkovskis, and the amazing tandem of composers Andrius Borisevičius and Audrius Balsevičius.
Neda and Richard carefully selected the arsenal of songs created over a period of 30 years and wrapped it in a "different" musical outfit. It will be an acoustic version of the songs with lots of feeling, dynamics, playing and vocal and instrumental improvisations. The concert will feature Andrias Kulikauskas' signature songs "Į tave", Žingsniai ne tie", as well as the hits "Eilinė diena rojuj", "Pasaka" created by the tandem of Andrias and Audrias, and many other lesser-heard songs. All the songs have one key thing in common - they were all created especially for NEDAI, so they are extremely delicate, intimate and very personal.
Neda Malūnavičiūtė and Richard Banys "Very personal songs" Sesje