„The Dance of Semiramide” is an outdoor performance, an improvisation, an anti-performance. E. Ionesco referred to his works as anti-plays, comic dramas, and tragic farces. In his collection of essays „Notes Et Contre-Notes” he presented the concept of tragic comedy and argued that comedy is more tragic than tragedy because it doesn’t depict the end of human suffering. According to Ionesco, no society can eliminate a person’s sense of loneliness, guilt, and fear, nor free them from the fear of death or suppress their absolute longing. For the creators of the show, these statements are an indisputable truth. Semiramide is celebrating an anniversary. Empty. Only the ticking of the clock and silence. But the ball begins. A ball on the verge of madness – with imaginary guests, fake gifts, fake congratulations, and plenty of food. A lie within a lie. A delusive celebration of a simple, sinful person…