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"Mens Publica, Teatras" events


About the Theatre "Mens Publica, Teatras" is a contemporary theatre focused on bold experiments, socially relevant themes and innovative artistic expressions. Founded with the aim of creating a space where different artists, ideas and audiences can meet, the theatre becomes a centre for dialogue and creative collaboration. "Mens Publica, Teatras" emphasises the importance of artistic content, highlighting the role of theatre as an influential social and cultural institution. Main Lines of Action Premieres and Performances: "Mens Publica, Teatras" presents several premieres each year, which attract and engage a wide range of audiences. The theatre works with contemporary playwrights and directors who are open to innovation. International Cooperation: the theatre actively cooperates with foreign artists and theatres, participates in international festivals and projects, promoting cultural exchange and cooperation. Artist Development. Public Engagement: organises open discussions, seminars and workshops involving theatre makers, critics and audiences to promote an open dialogue about theatre arts and their impact on society. Future Plans "Mens Publica, Teatras" aims to further expand its activities, strengthening its position as one of the leading contemporary theatre spaces. It plans to continue exploring and presenting different art forms, collaborating with international partners and developing theatre's accessibility to different groups of society. The theatre also aims to actively participate in cultural life by organising events that promote artistic expression, creativity and cultural dialogue.