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Solo theatre

Kultura, rozrywka i rekreacja

O nas

 SOLO THEATER is a (not only) one-actor theater founded by the actress, director, poet and playwright Birutė Mar and associates, which started its activities in 2018. By order of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania Mindaugas Kvietkauskas, Solo Theater in 2019. November 5 recognized professional performing arts institution.It is a creative laboratory where the Actor - the most important instrument in the orchestra of the performance - performs solo.
The repertoire of "Solo Teatro" includes the works of Birutė Mar, who creates independent artistic projects: updated performances and new productions shown in other theaters, mono-performances that have received international recognition and won many awards at Lithuanian and foreign theater festivals; educational programs, interdisciplinary genre projects.
"It's not easy to stay yourself in the modern theater. An unspoken requirement for a creator is to keep up with fashions and trends, to provoke, often to make people laugh. But in creativity, to meet your true self, you need silence, time and space - for yourself and the viewer - to hear ourselves together..
.Let the Solo Theater be the time and space for our unhurried, bright meetings and sacred creativity." 
  • Strona internetowa

  • E-mail

    [email protected]
  • Numer telefonu

    +370 699 37784
  • Nazwa

    Solo theatre
  • create_organizer.industry

    Kultura, rozrywka i rekreacja
  • Kod firmy

  • Forma prawna

    Instytucja publiczna
  • Państwo rejestracji

  • Miasto rejestracji

  • Ulica rejestracji

  • Numer domu rejestracji

  • establishment_date
