Dramaturgy EveningsValstybinis Šiaulių Dramos Teatras regularly organises dramaturgy evenings, where well-known writers and playwrights share their creative experiences. Participants have the opportunity to create and discuss the latest trends in drama.Reviving Classical DramaThe theatre nurtures classic dramatic works by presenting them in a new and modern way. These productions revive old classical works, giving them a fresh and topical meaning.Youth StageValstybinis Šiaulių Dramos Teatras pays special attention to the development of young talents. The Youth Stage is a place where young actors and creators can try their hand at acting and present their ideas.History of the theatreThe retrospective performances of the Valstybinis Šiaulių Dramos Teatras present older theatre works, allowing visitors to experience the ambition of theatre history and the charm of classics.Literature EveningsThe theatre seeks to interact with the word and literature. Literary Evenings allow actors to read literary works, bringing out the hidden knowledge and human experience they contain.Valstybinis Šiaulių Dramos Teatras is a place where the magic of art merges with professionalism. It is a space where every visitor can feel the spirit of theatre, explore different art forms and experience wonderful artistic performances.