Dorota Nawrot is a graduate of Dramatology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She deals with costumes and set design.
Today Dorota mostly works with theatre director Michał Borczuch. That long term collaboration started in 2012 with play titled ”Królowa śniegu”.
Dorota designs costumes and sets for subsequent plays by Borczuch: “Lepiej tam nie idź” created with children from the orphanage in Szamocin (2013), "Paradiso" (2014), “Apokalipsa” (2014), "Faust" (2015), two chamber operas “Requiem dla ikony” and “Voyager” for Polish National Opera (2015), "Wszystko o mojej matce" (2016) and "Zew Cthulhu" (2017).
"Apokalipsa" was awarded with Grand Prix for best performance at the VIII International Theatre Festival Boska Komedia 2015 and "Wszystko o mojej matce" won Grand Prix next year during the IX International Theatre Festival Boska Komedia 2016.