Born on 17 February 1952 in Pasvalys.
In 1969-1972 he studied journalism at Vilnius University, in 1997 he graduated in Lithuanian philology. Worked in the editorial offices of "Gimtojo krašto", "Literatūros ir meno", "Vilniaus" (and under the former name "Litva literaturnaja"), "Lietuvos ryto". Since 1996 he has been devoted to his creative work. Member of the Association of Lithuanian Ukrainists since its foundation (1992). Since 2002 member of the Lithuanian PEN Centre, since 2004 member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators' Association, since 2002 founding member of the Central European Poets' Movement "Cap à l'Est", which unites poets communicating in French. Co-founder of the Lithuanian-Latvian Forum (2005), member of the association Lithuanian-Latvian Forum (since 2006). Member of the Lithuanian Language Society (since 2008), the Lithuanian Belarusian Association (since 2009), the National Commission for Song Festivals (new term of office since 2015), the Council of the association LATGA (since 2016), the Literature Council (since 2017). One of the creators of the Vilnius University regional studies ramuva (since 1969), collected folklore on expeditions. One of the founders and organisers of the international community of artists "Magnus Ducatus Poesis" ( In Lithuania, his work has been published in the cultural press, almanacs, anthologies and elsewhere. Poetry has also been translated (in books, anthologies, almanacs, periodicals) into Albanian, Armenian, English, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Croatian, Latvian (and Latgalian), Polish, Macedonian, French, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, German (and Bernese-German) and other languages. He has collaborated with composers and has written dozens of songs, a rock oratorio, an action opera for children, cantatas, oratorios and other genres.