Tomas Juzeliūnas was born on August 25, 1964 in Vilnius, in the family of composer Julius Juzeliūnas and Danutė Juzeliūnienė. Since childhood, he grew up surrounded by the sounds of music and an artistic environment.
He started playing the piano at the age of six. In 1971 - 1982, he studied at the M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art, initially specializing in piano, then music theory. At the same time, he attended the optional creativity course in the class of composer Broniaus Kutavičius. In 1982, he entered the Lithuanian Conservatory majoring in creativity. In 1983 - 1985, he served in the Soviet army, where he played trombone in the military orchestra. After returning, he continued his studies at the conservatory in the class of Professor Broniaus Kutavičius. In 1990, he defended his thesis and obtained the qualification of a composer. In 1989 - 1991, he worked as an editor at the publishing house "Muzika". In 1982 - 1995, he participated in the concert activities of the Vilnius "New Music" ensemble. From 2000 to 2013, he sang in the Vilnius state choir. Since 1999, he has been singing in the men's choir "Sakalas". In 2018, he started working at the "New Theater" as a composer-performer.
The intensive creative path of Tomas Juzeliūnas began around 1985. The composer, unlike his father, Julius Juzeliūnas, a master of large forms, is more of a chamber composer. He is especially fond of the genre of piano music. He also likes various ensembles, music for choirs, has tried his hand at religious music, music for children.
The following works of Tomas Juzeliūnas could be mentioned: "Telefonika" (recording music), "Suite for orchestra", "Elegy in memory of Father" (piano), "Lituvian Mass of Šiluva's St. In honor of the Virgin Mary" for male choir and organ, sonata for piano, "Water music" (for piano), "Northern light" (for string quartet) and others.
Tomas Juzeliūnas has been an active public figure since his youth. In 1987, he was elected a member of the Scientific Council of the Lithuanian Conservatory. In 1988, he was appointed as a delegate to the founding convention of Lithuanian Sąjūdis. In January 1991, he was one of the defenders of the Television Tower. In 1988 - 1990, he participated in the establishment and activities of the World Lithuanian Youth Organization "Lituanica".
Tomas Juzeliūnas participated in organizing many festivals, concerts, art events. In 1987 - 1988, together with fellow students, he organized the contemporary music event "Free Sound Session".
Participated in the creative youth festivals "Jauna Muzika". In 1989 - 1997, he contributed to the preparation of inter-republican Happenings seminars "AN - 89", "Ni - 90", "AN - 97". In 2020, he participated in the organization of the liberal arts scientific conference "Banana Case - Common Matter". In 1995 - 1997, he participated in the organization of the music and fashion show "AR - fashion" in Užupis.
Another form of Tomas Juzeliūnas' creative activity is short, laconic thoughts, insights on various topics - reflections on faith, patriotism, deep philosophical questions.
Tomas Juzeliūnas values openness, sincerity, and goodwill in his life and work.