Lithuanian composer, bassoonist.Graduated from the Lithuanian Conservatory in 1959. Kazimieros Paulauskas bassoon, 1964. - J. Juzeliūnas composition class.Graduated from the Lithuanian Conservatory in 1959. Kazimieros Paulauskas bassoon, 1964. - J. Juzeliūnas composition class.1953-1954 Kaunas Musical Theater Orchestra, 1954-1958. Bassoonist of the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater Orchestra. 1959-1961 Music editor of the Lithuanian Radio and Television Committee, 1961–1975. sound director. 1975-1999 Sound director of the Recording Studio of the Lithuanian Composers' Union.He performed as a soloist and with ensembles and orchestras.Created more than 300 works. The work is lyrical, full of programmatic images of Lithuanian art and architecture, poetry, nature and the universe. It also uses various 20th century compositional technique, and archetypes of Lithuanian folk music, mainly sutra and dzūki melos. From his mother, M. Kasiulytė–Montvilienė (Perloja), he learned many dzuk songs, wrote them down, harmonized them, developed them. Corresponded with V. Bacevičius and other composers, developed their cosmic music ideas. Wrote drama performances, film music.