
Vincas Mykolaitis Putinas



20th century Lithuanian poet and prose writer, dramatist. He is best known for his symbolist poems and the novel "Shadows of Altars".
Parents were wealthy peasants who raised a large family. Vince was the eldest son. Studied at the Marijampolė gymnasium, graduating from four classes in 1909. entered the seminary of priests in Seina. in 1911 Under Putin's pseudonym, he published his first poem in "The Source". Later, the poems were published in Shaltinije, Ateitije, and Draugije.

Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas in the seminary
Although he doubted his vocation as a priest when he graduated from the seminary, but still in 1915 was ordained a priest. He did not work as a priest in 1915-1917. continued his studies at the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. in 1917 published the first collection of lyrics "Red Rings". After receiving a scholarship for studies in Western Europe, in 1918 went to Switzerland, 1918-1923. He studied philosophy and the history of philosophy and art at the universities of Friborg and Munich.

1923-1929 At the University of Lithuania, he taught new Lithuanian literature, introduction to universal literature, the development and aesthetics of Lithuanian literary poetry. in 1928 received the title of professor. 1924-1932 of the cultural magazine "Židinys", 1938. - editor of Dienovidis magazine. 1933-1937 Chairman of the Society of Lithuanian Writers.

in 1927 his collection of symbolist poems "Between Dawns" was published in 1933. finished writing the novel "Shadow of Altars". in 1935 officially renounced the priesthood and married. A year later, he published another important collection of poetry "Roads and Crossroads".

After the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, 1940–1954 Vilnius University professor. On the occasion of the New Year of 1941, he wrote: "I wish that 1941 the cultural life of Lithuania would be revived by the spirit of Stalin's wise constitution and that all the affairs of our republic would be managed according to its provisions". When the second Soviet occupation began, he did not flee to the West. 1945-1946 Director of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature. Since 1941 Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the LSSR.

During that period, he wrote the first parts of the novel "The Rebels" (it remained unfinished), and started writing poetry again. He translated the works of foreign writers and poets. Died in 1967 near Kaunas, in Kačerginės, buried in Vilnius Rasu cemetery. 

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