"Eminent duo" was formed in Vienna, where both musicians completed their studies: Japanese violinist Moeko Sugiura and Slovenian guitarist and composer Nejc Kuhar. The duo won first places at international chamber music competitions: Aschaffenburg, Berlin Rising Stars Grand Prix (Germany), Paganini Festival, Enrico Mercatali (Italy), Twents (Netherlands), Balle/Vale ( Croatia). The duo often performs in Japan, China, USA, Germany, Austria, Italy. Moeko Sugiura studied at the Tokyo University of the Arts and the Vienna University of Music and Arts under Thomas Christian and Pavel Vernikov. During her studies, she often played with the "Wiener Symphoniker" orchestra, with which she went on concert tours in Japan and Germany. He performed with famous conductors in the Vienna "Musikverein" and "Konzerthaus" halls. The performer won first prizes at the Edogawa Philharmonic Orchestra Soloist Competition, the Kobe International Competition and the Nagoya Student Competition in Japan. 2014-2019 played by the Baden-Baden Philharmonic and from 2019 in the orchestras of the Graz Philharmonic. Nejc Kuhar studied guitar and composition in Vienna. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Composition in Surrey, England. As a guitarist and composer, he won many first prizes: Altheim in Austria, Changsha in China, Treviso and Acerra in Italy. His music is performed in prestigious halls all over the world, and his works are published by Les Production d'Oz. From 2019 N. Kuhar is an associate professor of guitar and contemporary music at the Vienna University of Music and Arts. From 2018 teaches guitar at the Joseph Haydn Conservatory in Eisenstadt. He also lectures on guitar composition and other topics at universities in Europe and the United States.