The Ukrainian group "Nerves" was born in 2010 in Kyiv. The founder and ideologist of the team is Evgeniy Milkovsky. Other members changed regularly.
Immediately after the release of their debut album “Everything That Is Around,” the group acquired a fairly large number of fans and began an active concert life. During this period, MUZ-TV nominated “Nerves” for “Breakthrough of the Year” (the victory went to someone else), and Russian TV series began to actively use their songs in their soundtracks.
In 2013, the second studio album “I'm Alive” was released, soon after this the musicians broke the contract with the Kruzheva Music label and closed the project. In the spring of 2015, “Nerves” returned to the stage and became residents of “Gazgolder”. There their third album was released under the symbolic title “Third Wind”. And a year later the fourth - "Bonfire".