In 1997, a village chapel was created before there was a new cultural center. There were various suggestions for its name - "Five-leaf clover", "Sadūna", etc. But it so happened that when the men broke through the ice further away from the district boundaries, the people completely unconsciously attached the name as it is now. The name of the chapel was born from the same name of the village of Sadūnai, and the men are happy about it. Five men play music in the collective. During the ten years of making music, several musicians have changed. Their repertoire includes works by old musicians of the Highlands, original works of other nations and regions. Sadūnai plays a lot in their country, performs concerts all over Lithuania, Europe, in 2014 they visited Australia. Three albums have been released - "Grieš armonika vakaro tylų", "Ups dralala", "Dudodam trunksma".