The ensemble "Suliko", which sings without the participation of musical instruments (so-called acapella), was founded in 2007. It is one of the most popular folklore ensembles in Georgia.
"It is the only ensemble in the world of Georgian folk music, where the performers are contemporary soloists of the opera. The ensemble is a favorite of the audience not only in Georgia, but also beyond its borders. Georgian music, folklore, polyphonic singing have become a trademark of Georgia. Many people in the world liked Georgian music. They leave a charming, unforgettable impression everywhere," say representatives of Events Pro productions, which bring the show to the Czech Republic.
The group ""Suliko"" received great reviews everywhere it performed, such as in Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey, Greece, Israel, USA and other countries. Their extensive repertoire includes folklore, Georgian urban songs (romances), which are interpreted polyphonically. The ensemble also took part many times in official receptions of Georgian embassies in different countries of the world. He was awarded state prizes.