Ineta Meduneckytė Tamošiūnienė - performer, head of VšĮ "Etnoprojektai", initiator and organizer of various ethnic projects.
Since 2001, she has been actively performing with the ceremonial ritual folklore group "Kūlgrinda", later, after creating a joint project, she became the vocalist, manager, and project manager of the folk rock group "Žalvarinis" (2001-2018). During that time, 6 "Zalvarinis" albums were recorded, and they had to cooperate with many famous Lithuanian musicians, performers, organizers of events and festivals.
Together with her musical projects, Ineta represents Lithuanian culture and ethnic music not only in Lithuania, but also abroad - she performed at famous foreign and Lithuanian festivals such as The Henley Festival in England, Kraina Mryi in Ukraine, Regioo in Estonia, Baltijas Saule and Tele2 Baltic Beach Party in Latvia, Dozens of Europe in Austria, toured China in 2016-2017, in 2014 supported by thousands of voices of Lithuanian choirs, they performed Lithuanian folk songs for the whole of Lithuania at the Song Festival in Vingios Park, since 2019 they have been cooperating with the Japanese World Music Festival, which annually presents Lithuanian music in its program among projects from other countries around the world. The artist has also participated in various television and music projects, in the activities of experimental post-folk groups, in the recordings of the albums "Kūlgrinda", "Spanxti", "Donio su Kūlgrinda", together with Linus Adomaitis, she recorded the song "Mes irgi kämme mylėti", participated in dubbing the animated film the film "Fern Flower", was invited to participate in the Accordion Music Week project "Stravinsky's Dream" organized by Martyn Levickis, performed with the most famous Lithuanian folk singer Veronika Povilioniene, worked for several years as a concert host at one of the largest unique music and Baltic culture festivals "Mēnuo Juodaragis".
From 2018 Ineta heads the Public Enterprise "Etnoprojektai" - takes care of the dissemination of Lithuanian ethno-projects in Lithuania and abroad and actively creates and performs with the ethno-oriented project "FOLK TRIO" - Nerijas Bakula and Jan Maksimovič. "FOLK TRIO" represented Lithuania at the world music festival in Japan, performs concerts in Lithuania and abroad. Also, since 2019, it has been organizing the annual folk festival "FOLK RATU".