Composer, sound and new media artist, mainly focused in live electronics and multimedia installations.
Born in Florence in 1990. Graduated in Music and New Technologies at the Conservatory Luigi Cherubini in Florence and in second-level master’s degree AReMus (Artistich Research in Music) at the Conservatory Santa Cecilia in Rome.
His aesthetics focus in the exploration of the the political and social meaning of human beings related to the artwork and in today’s society.
He has participated as composer and performer in festivals such as Berlin Biennale, Bright Festival, Diffrazioni Festival, Fabbrica Europa, MEFF, SMC2018, SMC2019, Tempo Reale Festival.
He has collaborated with artists including Alvise Vidolin, Christine Meisner, Michele Marasco, Nicola Sani, Paolo Parisi, Roberto Fabbriciani, Tiziano Manca.
Professor of Electroacoustic Music, Conservatory of Trapani, Italy.
Intern in the Sound Art Department, UDK, University of the Arts, Berlin.
Professor of Computer Music, Conservatory of Pavia, Italy.