in 1995 completed bachelor's studies in opera singing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. in 2007 completed his master's studies in singing at the Faculty of Arts of Klaipėda University. 1995-1996 worked as an illustrator at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. 1996-2000 was the organist and choir director of Vilnius All Saints Church. 2000-2011 worked as head of solo singing at the Plunge Art School. a teacher Since 2011 is a solo singing teacher and methodologist at the Neringa Art School. He performed in Italy, USA, Latvia, Russia.
Since 2006 is a soloist of the Klaipėda State Musical Theater. Here he prepared dozens of roles in operas, operettas and musicals. Among them, the most important are: Tatiana, Olga (in P. Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin"), Vitellia (in W. A. Mozart's opera "Tito's Mercy"), Countess Rozina (in W. A. Mozart's opera "The Marriage of Figaro"), Sister Giudulė (in Z. Liepin's opera "Paris cathedral"), Hana (in F. Lehár's operetta "The Merry Widow"), Madeleine (in P. Abraham's operetta "Ball in Savoy"), Dona Anna (in W. A. Mozart's opera "Don Juan"), Violeta (in G. Verdi's opera "La Traviata") , Dawn (in V. Bartulis' opera "Dawn"), Bessie (in the theatrical concert "Aistrui šelsmas" based on G. Gershwin's opera "Porgis and Bessie"), Mother (in G. Kuprevičius's musical "Veronika"), Mikaela (in G. Bizet's opera " Carmen"), Jenta (in J. Bock's musical "Fiddler on the Roof"), Sister Angelica (in G. Puccini's opera "Sesuo Angelica"), Čieska (in G. Puccini's opera "Džanis Skikis"), Fairy Grandma (in K. Lučinskas' musical fairy tale "Warpalų pasakós"), Signora Vermichelionė (in A. Kučinskas' children's opera "Pacaroni Opera"), Sister Marija Huberta (in D. Goggin's musical "Šounuolynas"), Kum i Barou (F. in Wildhorn's musical "Bonnie and Clyde"), Rosalind (in J. Strauss's operetta "Bat"), Marquise de Berkenfyld (in G. Donizetti's opera "The Regiment's Daughter"), Witch (in A. Dvořák's opera "The Little Mermaid").