Scientific interests:
20th century architectural history and heritage;
the culture and heritage of industrialization;
modernist cultural studies.
He completed master's studies in art studies at Vytautas the Great University (1998) and doctoral studies at the Vilnius Academy of Arts (2006). Interned at the University of Helsinki (2001) and at the doctoral program of the Royal Stockholm Institute of Technology (KTH) (2001-2006). Completed a postdoctoral internship at Vilnius University (2011-2012). He has been teaching at VU IF since 2004, since 2013. docent and chairperson of the Heritage Conservation master's study program, since 2018 - a professor. 2012-2015 worked as the general secretary of the Lithuanian National UNESCO Commission. Member of the Scientific Board of the Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage JPI CH (2020-2023, EU) -programming-initiative-on-cultural-heritage-about/