The English Renaissance songs solo project by Mateusz Ławniczak combines professional guitar training, years of vocal experience and a passion for English language and literature developed during his studies at the English Department of the University of Wrocław. On the one hand the simultaneous performance of the vocal part and the complicated polyphonic accompaniment is a technical challenge. This simultaneous performance, on the other hand, helps to merge the verbal/vocal part with the instrumental, which seems to be the intention of the English Renaissance ayre composers. At the moment the artist is preparing his first solo album.
Mateusz Ławniczak studied guitar with prof. Piotr Zaleski at Karol Lipninski Academy of Music in Wrocław. Since 2009 he has been a member of Jacaras ensemble and performed with it at the majority of guitar festivals in Poland. The project which focuses on Spanish Baroque guitar music published its first album in 2013 and is currently working on the next one. This year for the second time the ensemble has been invited to perform at Blas Sanches guitar festival on Canary Islands.