composer, pedagogue, conductor, one of the pioneers of modern Lithuanian variety.Created more than 250 works. These are instrumental pieces for accordion, wind instruments and accordionist orchestras, choral songs, songs for soloists, children - "Blue Dew", "Lost Daisy", "Vilnius Roofs", "Youth" (The lips split from the sun...), "Milk", " Mother's Waltz", "Waltz of Memories", "Band of Happiness", "Apple and Stream", "What would I do", "Bob Summer", "Songs and Song", "Precious Gift", "Loneliness", "Fairytale" .The last works are the opera-tales for children "Pupa ir Seneliai" and "The Spider's Wedding", Mass. In honor of Kazimierz, vocal suite for soloists, choirs and symphony orchestra "Susiradom smuikos raktu" The opera was performed for the first time by the soloists, choirs and orchestra of the Vilnius Music School "Lyra" (conductor Rolandas Aidukas). His last large-scale work - the vocal suite "Susiradom smuikos raktas" (by Ramutė Skučaitė) - was performed at M. Vaitkevičius' authorial jubilee concert in 2006. November 10 Performed at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic by soloists of the Vilnius Music School "Lyra" (expert teachers Irena Argustienė and Rolandas Aidukas), choirs (conductors: expert teacher Rolandas Aidukas, head teachers Evaldas Steponavčius, Saulė Atminienė and Dalia Puišienė), the symphonic orchestra of the Vilnius Bali Dvarion School of Music orchestra (artistic director and conductor Modestas Pitrėnas).At the Bravo 2007 ceremony, he was given an award for his contribution to 2008 the Republican Miko Vaitkevčias Children's and Youth Vocal Music Festival is being held in Vilnius.