Remigijus Ščerbauskas is a well-known street photographer. in 1996 Having obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from WICE Leeuwarden (Netherlands), he began actively photographing the life of Kaunas and foreign cities in the genre of street photography in 2007. R. Ščerbauskas's photographs can be admired in various online galleries, websites (from "Urban Street Photography", "Streets In Color" to "Vouge"), in the press (magazines "Schwarzweiss 115", "Vision libres URBAN POETRY", "Inspired Eye Magazine" , in the photo book "WE STREETS Street photography from around the Globe"), in permanent exhibitions.The photographer has repeatedly won various awards for his ability to capture life: an honorary diploma at the "Budapest International Photo 2019" awards, first place at "The International Award Honoring Black and White Photography 11" competition, an international award at the "11th black and white spider awards" photography competition, etc.