Vaida Šniurevičiūtė graduated from the Ballet department of the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts (teacher Beatričė Tomaševičienė), since 2009 dancing LNOBT. Participated in international ballet competitions "Stora Daldansen" (Sweden, 2008 - became a finalist), Grasse competition (France, 2008 - 4th place). Danced in the modern dance project "Dancing in the City" (choreographer Loreta Juodkaitė). Toured in Hungary, Italy, Spain, Estonia.
Created roles: Cinderella ("Cinderella"), Klara's friend ("Copelija"), Elžbieta ("Barbora Radvilaitė"), Friends ("Žizel"), Grand pas ("Bajaderė"), Sylphides ("Silphides"), solo dances in ballets ("Baladre", "Sleeping Beauty", "Don Quixote") etc.