Musical career in 1977. started at the Youth Music Studio in Kaunas. in 1985 graduated from musical theater studies at Klaipėda University Faculty of Arts. While still studying, he started singing in the choir of the Klaipėda State Musical Theater. in 1993 became a soloist of the Klaipėda State Musical Theater. The biggest prepared roles: Napoleon Saint Cloche (I. Kálmán's Bayadere), Armand Brisar (F. Lehár's Count Luxemburg), Herman (R. Frimlo and H. Stothart's Rozmari), Narrator (G. Kuprevičius Prusai), Baron Zeta (F. Lehár The Merry Widow), Don Kairos (G. Bizet's Carmen), Henry Higgins (F. Loewe's My Lady), Henri Bernier (I. Kálmán's The Violet of Montmartre), Fred Grechem (C. Porter's Kiss Me, Kate), Tevye (J. Bock's Fiddler on the Roof), Andrius (A. Bražinska's Conversations), Makhits (K. Weill's Threepenny Opera), Georgas Sten (I. Dunaevsky's Free Wind), Georges Diurua (V. Lebedev's O, Dear Friend), Miksa (I. Kalman's Čardash's Queen), Mustafa Bejs (P. Abraham's Ball in Savoy), Falkas (J. Strauss's Bat), Count Bitovskis (J. Strauss's Blood of Vienna), Herstwood (R. Paul's Sister Carrie), Baltrus Baltaragis (V. Ganelin's Bride of the Devil ), the Mouse King (A. Kučinskas Pasta Opera), Valdis (Z. Liepinio Adata), Sheriff, Pastor (F. Wildhorn Boni and Error), Great King (N. The Tale of Sinkevičiūtė without a title).
in 2010 was awarded the Thanksgiving mask for Hurstwood's role in R. Paul's musical Sister Carrie.
Together with Nijole Sinkevičiūte, he wrote the libretto for the children's performance Pasaka be paupadam.
He knows three foreign languages. Since 1998 He also works as a translator at the Klaipėda State Musical Theater. He translated into Lithuanian the librettos for the musicals Fiddler on the Roof, Bonnie and Clyde, Chicago, as well as verse texts for the theater productions My Great Lady, The Threepenny Opera, Sister Carrie, Hello, Charlie. Worked as a translator in the LRT project Golden Voice.
He directed the concert programs Love Songs Tram, Love Port, Outrageous Songs.