German writer, teacher.
He studied at the University of Tübingen. Worked as tutor, teacher, and from 1827 edited the newspaper Morgenblatt.
in 1926 published V. Hauf's almanac of fairy tales was immediately noticed and appreciated. In the same year, the historical novel "Liechtenstein" was published - one of the best German historical novels.
in 1827 his Mitteilungen aus Memoiren des Satans bei Phantasien im Bremer Rathskeller is published.
Could become one of Germany's most famous fiction writers and poets (some of his lyrical plays became folk songs). Unfortunately, V. Hauf died before he was 25 years old.
He was called a follower and student of Hoffmann. And if the teacher surpassed V. Hauf in the depth of fantasy, the student far surpassed Hofmann in the completeness of form, clarity of images, and beauty of language. V. Hauf's tales are full of humor, which, by the way, is suitable and understandable for both children and adults. His stories are full of life and psychological truths.