Exploring the abovementioned is a way to learn about what it means to be in the world. Plants are life's most direct and elemental connection to the world.
Emanuele Coccia
(from)(at)(s)squeezed plant history is a study carried out in a defined field on a west-facing piece of land in Denmark.
Collecting and squeezing plants has always been considered a scientific method. Munk and Jerichau have no preconceived ideas about a specific outcome - just an open, slow and curious process, without the aim of achieving anything useful. Perhaps this project is mostly about beauty and the desire to capture the diversity in things that we usually just pass by.
The prints of the photogravures are like photographs of a certain time period, but without marking any specific time, rather as if time itself has left its mark. Like ghostly outlines, the flower leaves appear more vivid in the images. It is a myopic and attentive way of being in the world.
Artists Birgitte Munk and Vibeke Jerichau aim to question graphic space, technique and format, while making work and engaging in a dialogue between themselves. Each of them has been working individually in the field of visual arts for a long time.