Next session: Fri, 12 Jul 2024, 20:00
Price:11.20–21.20 €
July 12, 8 pm
"Twentieth Anniversary Tapestries" | Festival Closing
Venue: Community House | NIDA
"CINEMUSIQUE: Charlie Chaplin XXI"
When, in 1931, Charlie Chaplin, a filmmaker and his wife, Charlie Chaplin, were in the audience. When two of the great geniuses of the 20th century, Albert Einstein and Chaplin, met at the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's new film in 1931, the father of relativity said: "What fascinates me most about your art is its universality. You don't say a word and the whole world understands you!" The great genius of silent cinema replied: "Right. But your fame is even greater! The world admires you, even though it doesn't understand a word you say."
The music of the streets and cafés that captivated him as a child soon found its way into Chaplin's films. Perhaps it was this secret love of simple but heartfelt music that led him, even seventeen years after the release of his first dubbed film, to maintain the line between silent and talking cinema, as if to say: words are the language of hate, silence the language of love. Maybe it was this love that made him the first to synchronise his own music with his own directed and acted mise-en-scenes. But it was a different language - the language of music, which, with a sensitive counterpoint, underlines the hero's efforts to find a drop of human warmth and sensitivity in the confusion of contemporary life. Chaplin was the first to incorporate music purposefully into the drama of the film, at the beginning of the age of sound cinema.
The familiar and endearing image of the tramp - the wide trousers, the big boots, the tattered jacket and the tattered bowler hat - promises the audience a remarkable experience, a good time, and the triumph of the ordinary man over the confusion of life. The N Land Festival invites the audience to take a journey in the footsteps of the romantic artist to remember the strength of Chaplin's human being, subtly hidden under the face of satire.
The programme will feature the music of Ch. Chaplin's songs and music, along with extracts from the films Little Man, New Times and Big City Lights, and the evening will culminate in a screening of Chaplin's virtuoso film The Circus, with live music by Chaplin.
Attendees: Stein Skjervold - baritone (Lithuania/Norway), Rasa Vosyliūtė - violin (Lithuania), Dovilė Juozapaitienė - viola (Lithuania), Anita Barlote - flute (Latvia), Roger Arve Vigulf - clarinet (Norway), Thomas Collingwood - cello (Great Britain), Mindaugas Bačkus - cello (Lithuania), Sonata Zubovienė - piano (Lithuania), Rokas Zubovas - piano / conducting (Lithuania).
Ticket price 20 Eur.*
Festival season ticket is valid.**
SPONSORS. Miliūnas Public Library, International Centre of Translators and Writers in Nida.
ORGANIZER: "Violoncelli muzika"