Day of songs "To keep the forest green"The finale of the song festival week is the Day of Songs. On this day, crowds flock to Vingis Park through all possible entrances, gathering to experience something that will remain as a memory for a lifetime: 12,000 performers will sing about a century of life on the park stage specially built for the Day of Songs.
Song Day "That the forest is green" will summarize the entire week of the centenary Song Festival. A century is like a period of history, and a century is like an endless song, the words of which are the history of our country and our culture, clearly reflected in the century-old tradition of the Song Festival. Song is the key and irreplaceable word of this tradition, which is the focus of the creators of the Day of Songs, who have compiled the program of the festival from the most important and most sonorous works, testifying to the changing times and the path of singing culture, giving meaning to us - a singing, creative nation, responding to the same words of the song with different voices.At the Centennial Song Day, the song will open not only with the voices of participants and spectators. Here the song will become the narrator, the listener and the interlocutor, here the song will think, speak, be excited, prepare and listen to us speaking and remaining silent in communion. The voice of the song and our words about it, our silence and the words of the song about us - 2024. In the day of songs, everything will become one, like the green grove that connects the earth with the sky.