The exhibition ALTER EGO by Rimvydas Mulevičius (1957-2023) commemorates the work of the professor of the Kaunas Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts of Kaunas, the long-time head of the Drawing Studio, in the fields of watercolour, drawing and graphics. "An artist who does not know how to draw has no conscience"; Rimvydas Mulevičius was guided by this maxim, slightly modified by Jose Ortega Y Gasset, in his creative path. A passionate drawing enthusiast and promoter, a long-time head of the Drawing Studio of the Kaunas Faculty of the AACA, a great anatomy connoisseur, he created his own methodology of teaching drawing and shaped the face of the Drawing Studio of the Kaunas Faculty of the AACA.
The professor, who was loved by students, was constantly drawing. In the evenings at home, at work, during meetings, on slips of paper, in the bar on napkins. He was constantly improving his drawing technique, trying out different drawing tools. Drawing with pencils, coloured pencils or ink on thin Chinese paper, watercolours, prints. Drawing was like breathing for Rimvydas. Once, during a conversation at the Kaunas Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kaunas, he said that he considers drawing with a simple graphite pencil to be the highest level, "when you just pick it up and draw."
This is an exhibition of the last 10 years of Prof. Rimvydas Mulevičius's drawings, watercolours, and graphic art works.