
Grandma got angry

Grandma got angry



Event description

According to the director, "This is a performance about the relations between neighbors. The eternal theme is whether we will be angry with our neighbors or, as it is now relevant and even somewhat fashionable to say, will we live in a communally harmonious community. A great and instructive comedy as an example for the grandmothers who are upset because of a gnawed head of cabbage or a broken leaf of a beetroot Believe me, who says what, doesn't understand the essence - all this leads even to the court, to penalties... Or rather, to nothing, maybe just a headache... We will probably lose when it becomes unbearably difficult "on the spur of the moment". only when you lose, you realize that you didn't know how to appreciate what you had. And you had GOOD. The whole performance is presented with a large dose of laughter, irony. When a firewood cart is split from a match."