Programme: Opuses for piano trio by Gunnar de Frumerie, Giya Kancheli, Lili Boulanger, songs by Anatolijs Šenderovas, Giedrius Kuprevičius, Zita Bružaitė, Dalia Kairaitytė on texts by Sigitas Geda and the poet's own poems
Remembering the genius Sigitas Geda, Kaunas Piano Trio and baritone Giedrius Prunskus have prepared a programme reflecting the wide range of interests of this artist and reflecting his unique creativity. According to literary scholar Kęstutis Nastopka, "S. Geda is a poet of mythical memory who has modernised Lithuanian poetry. He has created a unique artistic world in which myth, religion, culture, literature, nature, history and human everyday life have merged." Can it be so? Let's ask and listen to S. Geda!
By the way, we will listen to this programme in an unusual way - the performers will invite everyone on stage! Everyone will listen to the programme in close proximity to the performers. Intrigued? Buy your ticket today and immerse yourself in an unusual music listening format.