In the center of the latest performance of the Nuepik dance troupe "Nowhere, but not here" is man and his daily transformations. The play examines the limitations of human nature and the immeasurable desire to know oneself and the world. It is a play about the search for authenticity, creativity and inner self.
In the performance, the troupe members draw inspiration from the canvases of the Irish painter Francis Bacon. The artist, a chronicler of the Second World War, famous for his unique resolution, depicted mutilated, deformed human bodies, faces distorted by pain and fear in his works. An uncomfortable confrontation with the dark side of humanity and the motif of the "glazed" person, which is often repeated in the painter's canvases, become the leading line of the performance "Nowhere, but not here". A performance can be understood as a visual work that aims to speak in images and metaphors.