In 2006 he graduated from Kėdainiai "Šviesiąja gimnazija" and entered the Choreography Department of the Faculty of Arts of Klaipėda University, in 2008 he studied in Sweden at the University College of Dance in Stockholm under the Erasmus exchange programme. In 2011 he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Theatre, specialisation in Choreography. In 2015 he graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with a Master's degree in Acting (Contemporary Dance). He has been working as a professional dancer since 2009 and has worked with choreographers such as Agnija Šeiko, Martynas Rimeikis, Vytis Jankauskas, Aira Naginavičiūtė, Palle Granhoj (Denmark), Kiril Simonov (Russia), Dalia Acin Thelander (Sweden), Lorca Massine (Italy), Alban Richard (France) and others. As a performer, he has represented Lithuania in various festivals abroad (Norway, China, Czech Republic, France, Estonia, Sweden, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, etc.)