"Buzzfeed Studios": a New Media Pioneer"Buzzfeed Studios" represents the next generation entertainment company, originally known as BuzzFeed, a groundbreaking news and entertainment online portal. Having expanded its activities, the company has now created "Buzzfeed Studios", a division focused on the creation of original content for both television and the film industry and digital platforms. "Buzzfeed Studios" highlights the needs of the modern viewer by offering innovative, engaging and often interactive content.Field of activity"Buzzfeed Studios" specialises in projects in a wide range of formats: from short-form videos that are perfect for social media, to full-length films and series broadcast on both traditional TV platforms and streaming services. Their productions cover a wide range of topics, from documentary series that explore important social and cultural themes, to lighter content such as cookery shows or humour series.Organised EventsLeveraging its broad audience and unique understanding of entertainment in the digital era, "Buzzfeed Studios" also organises a range of events such as film premieres, interactive discussions and workshops with filmmakers, influencers and industry experts. These events foster communication between filmmakers and their audiences, as well as promote dialogue on important social and cultural topics.Wide-ranging Activities"In addition to creating and distributing content, "Buzzfeed Studios" actively collaborates with talent and other creative agencies to discover and exploit new opportunities for content creation and distribution. Their strategy involves working closely with the audience on BuzzFeed's digital platform, allowing them to effectively identify changes in audience preferences and interests. This allows "Buzzfeed Studios" to not only adapt their content to the changing tastes of viewers, but also to be at the forefront of industry innovation.