"Sound Vision" - Sound & Visual Arts Event Creators"Sound Vision" is a group of audiovisual event creators specialising in the creation of unusual and creative events related to the arts of sound, image and light. In this article, we will discuss how"Sound Vision" organises their events, what they do and the unique experiences they provide to participants."Sound Vision" Activities"Sound Vision" is a creative platform staffed by professional artists and audiovisual event experts. Their aim is to create unusual and innovative events that combine the art of sound, video and light.Field of activity"Sound Vision" activities include:1. The group creates audio-visual installations that can be shown in galleries, art exhibitions or special events.2. Concerts and Music Festivals.3. Light Shows: "Sound Vision" creators create light shows to create visuals that add extra tension and spectacle to any event.4. Art Installations."Sound Vision" EventsThe events that "Sound Vision" organises are unusual and often attract artists, music fans and technology enthusiasts.1. Sound and Video Installations Exhibitions.2. Music Festivals.3. Light Shows: "Sound Vision" developers work with musicians to create a light show to give a special visual effect to music performances.4. Art Installations."Sound Vision" is a culture-technology connector that combines the art of sound, video and light to create exceptional events and artworks. The group has a strong impact on the world of art and technology and allows people to experience unusual and inspiring events.