Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris Art Gallery was established in 2014 in the Meilė Lukšienė Education Centre, an exclusive building in the city centre - a former synagogue. It is four spaces filled with Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris's collection of artworks, collected over many years and donated to the capital of Sūduva (as well as to the region and the whole Lithuania). The collection is based on the work of artists from the diaspora who took Lithuania with them in their hearts, created it there, and brought it back from there - Adamas Galdikas, Vytautas Kašuba, Vytautas Ignas, Albinas Elskas, Viktoras Vizgirdas, Romas Viesulas, and Pranas Gailiaus, Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas, Kazimieras Leonards Žaromskis, Stasys Eidrigevičius, Prans Lapė, Vaclovas Ratas, Juozas Bagdonas - - as well as the works of authors who live (or have lived) in Lithuania and who have made sense of the Lithuanian national, cultural identity.The collection reflects Beatričė's ambition to preserve the works of our artists who have wandered off to other parts of the world, to bring them back to Lithuania, which would help us to better understand and appreciate the work of artists from Lithuania. And one (or several) of the exhibited works of the artist is like a hint or a reference to his entire artistic legacy.