Born on 10 May 1948 in Pumputis, Šiauliai district. Died on 14 July 2018, buried in Antakalnis Cemetery, Signatarų kalnelis.
In 1966 graduated from Šiauliai 3rd Western Secondary School, started working at the age of 16. In 1967-1971 he studied Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University. Worked at the Board of Correctional Institutions, "Minties" publishing house, the Ministry of Culture of the LSSR. During the revival, he and others founded "Sietyna" - a culture and theatre studio. 1990-1992 - deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania (Restorative Seimas), signer of the Act of Restoration of Independence of March 11. Founder of the Lithuanian Women's Union. In 1988, the film "Žolės šaknys" ("Grass Roots", directed by G. Lukšas) was based on the writer's screenplay. In 2002, a collection of short stories "Stebuklinga patvorių žolė" ("Stebuklinga patvorių žolė") was translated into Spanish and published in Madrid. He writes for the weekly newspaper "Karštas komentaras" (Hot Commentary), where he has his own section.