


a Jewish teenager who lived in the Vilnius ghetto during the Second World War. The "Vilnius Ghetto Diary" written by him is world famous - an important authentic document of the history of the Holocaust and the Vilnius Ghetto.
Icchokas was born in Vilnius, where before the war he lived with his parents, Rachele and Elija, in a rented house on Pylimo Street. 51 in the 4th apartment of the house. The father worked as a typographer for one of the city's largest daily newspapers, Vilner Tog ("Vilnius Day"). The boy studied at the Real Jewish High School. After the Nazis occupied the country during the war, the fourteen-year-old was deported together with his parents and other Jews to the ghetto established in the old town of Vilnius. Here he kept a diary in a simple school notebook in his native Yiddish. Having reached the age of 15 in the ghetto, Icchok was killed with his family in Paneri.

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