Lithuanian lawyer, international jurist, professor at Vilnius University (VU), associate professor at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), head of the International and European Union Law Institute of the Faculty of Law of VU (VU TF), former judge and chairman of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania (CT), Permanent Court of Arbitration member, former legal advisor to the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania
.in 1991 graduated from the 27th secondary school in Vilnius with a gold medal, 1991-1996. At the Faculty of Law of VU - one-level law studies, obtained the qualification of a lawyer. Specialization - International law. He published a monograph on the restoration of Lithuanian Independence on the basis of a diploma thesis, which won the young scientists prize.
in 2001 April 26 defended his dissertation on the topic "Restoration of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania in 1990 March 11 international legal foundations and consequences" (supervisor Prof. Vilenas Vadapalas), doctor of social sciences (law).
Since 1996 Assistant, research assistant, lecturer at VU Faculty of Law, later - also at VU Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences (TSPMI), from 2005-2009. August 31 Head of the Department of International and European Union Law at VU TF, since 2009. September 1 VU Law f. Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law, since 2010. Head of the International and European Union Law Institute of VU TF. Taught courses - public international law, law of international organizations, legal foundations of NATO and its activities, Diplomatic and consular law, 2001-2003. General Jonas Žemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy, 2002-2005. Lecturer at the Lithuanian University of Law (MRU). Since 2005 MRU, and since 2006 - VU docent, since 2011 - the professor.
Since 1996 civil servant, since 1998 until 2011 Legal adviser to the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania, since 2011. March 15 Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania (D. Žalima's candidacy was submitted by the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Irena Degutienė on December 10, 2010. Based on the decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, the Seimas by resolution of July 10, 2014 appointed Dainių Žalima as the chairman of the Constitutional Court (until the end of the judge's term 2020).Author and co-author of more than 50 laws of the Republic of Lithuania, their amendments, various declarations, other legal acts. He was the Government's expert in several cases against Lithuania examined by the European Court of Human Rights.
2001-2003 Member of the Vilnius City Municipality Council; 2005-2011, 2011-2017 Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (appointed for a 6-year term from the Republic of Lithuania). in 2009 June 7 ran for election to the European Parliament (nominated by the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats).
Author and co-author of 6 books (author of 3 monographs). Published over 70 scientific articles in the country and abroad, over 50 publicist articles in the Lithuanian press and internet media (in Lithuanian and English).
Provides comments on international law and human rights issues to various Lithuanian and foreign institutions and the media. As an expert, he submitted 12 opinions to the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, 1 opinion to the Constitutional Court of Latvia, and also helped in the preparation of Lithuania's position in ECHR cases against Lithuania. Constantly participates in various international events. in 2017 At the international conference "Crimean Tatar people three years after the occupation of Crimea: current situation and further response strategy of the international community" held in the Seimas, he delivered a report on the topic "Occupation and annexation of Crimea from the point of view of international law". He also published publications about the aggression of the Soviet Union and Russia, the Russian-Georgian war, war crimes committed by Russia, the obligation to compensate the Baltic states for the occupation of the USSR, and the occupation of Crimea.
Since 2002 member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Baltic Yearbook of International Law". Supporter of the freedom of Chechnya and Tibet. in 1991 (as a member of the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union) participated in the defense of the Supreme Council - the Restorative Seimas against the aggression of the Soviet army.