He spent his childhood in Skuodas. Later, he moved with his parents to Palanga, where he started attending the local folklore ensemble "Mėguva". She sang in the Palanga folklore ensemble "Mėguva" and was a laureate of the national schoolchildren's competition "Dainų dainelė" (Song Song of Songs).
After graduating from high school, Loreta Mukaitė studied and graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, where she obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Ethnomusicology. In 2007 she defended her doctoral dissertation, Doctor of Humanities (art history). During her doctoral studies L. Sungailienė did her internship at the LAMTA, Vilnius College. During her studies, she was an active member of the Vilnius University folklore ensemble "Ratilio".
In Vilnius, she formed the folklore ensemble "Virvytė", which performs Samogitian folk music. She is a presenter of the Lithuanian television programmes "Duokim garo!", "Kulinarinė kelionės", "Gero ūpo!", "Folkšokas", and a member of the jury of the 2nd season of the TV project "Chorus Wars". She prepares methodological materials for seminars, lectures, publications, organises seminars on regional singing, gives presentations at regional and republican conferences. She organizes the recording of phenomena of living traditions and folk song presenters.
Published informative and methodological articles in the magazines "Žemaičių žemė", "Kūrybos metraštis", "Liaudies kultūra", "Muzikos barai". Published scientific articles in the publications "Lithuanian Musicology" (2002), "Tiltai" (2001). Co-author of the book "Kupole rože", compiler of the CD "Kupole rože".
She starred in the Lithuanian television film "Aušros sūnūs" ("Sons of Dawn", 1998, directed by Bronius Morkevičius).
She is a senior specialist in the Ethnic Culture Department of the Lithuanian Centre for Folk Culture, a specialist in the Folklore Heritage Network, the chairperson of the academic Semigreek youth corporation Samogitia and the head of the folk group Virvytė of this corporation. She has been the leader of the folklore ensemble "Šaltinis" of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.