Algirdas Paulavičius, whose creative biography includes over 100 roles, has created memorable characters in such plays as P. Beaumarchais' "The Barber of Seville" (directed by J. Miltinis), A. Strindberg's "Dance of Death" (directed by J. J. Miltinis), R. Brandury's "Milk Wine" (directed by D. Banionis), Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" (directed by J. Miltinis), M. Zalyte's "Land Tax" (directed by A. Keller), N. Gogol's "The Wedding" (directed by R. Atkočiūnas). The actor has also acted in the cinema: he played roles in the films "Turtuolis, vargšas..." (directed by A. Žebriūnas), "A Flight Across the Atlantic" (directed by R. Vabalas), "Weekend in Hell" (directed by V. Žalakevičius), "Tadas Blinda" (directed by D. Ulvydas), and many others. Grekov's "Hanana, get up and go" (directed by A. Atkočiūnas).
The actor was voted the most deserving Panevėžys citizen in the field of culture in 2013 for his contribution to the culture of theatre art in Panevėžys, his roles that have become the symbols of theatre all over Lithuania, and for the promotion of the city. He was also nominated as the best performer of a character without words at the Dalia Tamulevičiūtė Professional Theatre Festival in 2011 for the role of Juozas Hanana in G. Grekov's "Hanana, get up and go". In 2012, he was awarded the Best Supporting Actor at the theatre festival "Vaidiname žemdirbiams" for the role of Juozas Hanana.