I studied at Klaipėda Stasios Šimkaus Conservatory, classical singing department. After graduating from the conservatory, I entered the Vilnius College, Musical Theater specialty, directed by J. Bareikis. During my studies, I was invited to create a role in the "Domino" theater, and I also founded my own theater troupe for children and the whole family in "GyviTeatre". I work with musical theater and theater groups for children and adults, I organize creative theater workshops.
Most memorable roles:
Role of Rose, C. Coleman, D. Fields, musical "Love", director Ramūnas Cicėnas.
The role of Katrina, R. Thomas "Liars", director Oleg Shaposhnikov.
The role of Princess Mary, D. Malloy's musical "Natasha, Pieras and the Comet of 1812" (based on L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"), directed by Vilius Malinauskas.
The role of Mege, K. Ludwig "Primadonas", director Oleg Shaposhnikov.