BONG-RA was one of the first electronic acts to fuse extreme metal with electronica. The 2007 Grindkrusher EP was approved by Bolt Thrower, using samples from their War Master album. Experimentation with extreme metal and electronica continued in projects such as DEATHSTORM (with Japanese noise vocalist Maruosa) and WHITE DARKNESS (ultra black neoclassical doom), in 2007 and 2008 respectively. In addition to the BONG-RA project, J. Kohnen was also a founding member of THE KILIMANJARO DARK-JAZZ ENSEMBLE, and later a member of THE MOUNT FUJI DOOMJAZZ CORPORATION, in 2006. The group released several cult albums before disbanding in 2013. He also released several joint projects with VENETIAN SNARES and later with IGORRR, appearing at prestigious festivals around the world, such as Glastonbury, Lowlands, Dour and many others. Jaseon Kohnen has performed in Europe, North and South America, and Japan on various occasions and has shared the stage with artists such as Aphex Twin, The Prodigy, Ministry, Dillinger Escape Plan and Mastodon. During the concert, listeners will also hear two very bright opening acts: H8blst is a metal solo project presented by Simonas Jurkevičius, known as the soul of the black metal band Luctus. H8blst combines black metal with electronic elements and creates a powerful, dark and intense sound.