Giedrė joined on April 1st 2004 and has been an integral part of the team since then. Starting with lindyhopʼ, she soon discovered herself in authentic jazz and now balboa. Around 2010, she began to compete extensively in international competitions and teach dance classes in various cities in Europe and the USA, before finally settling in the party capital of Berlin.
... "Although I'm currently living the bohemian life of a party lion in Berlin, I think every day about Vilnius, where every dance looks unique, where there is so much space for self-expression. That's why I come back to Vilnius often, and in my classes and performances I want to convey the experience of my travels, the freedom of the big city and the feeling of togetherness. In my opinion, dance should first and foremost give satisfaction and joy, and the baggage of new movements will appear by itself - enjoying the freedom of dance!"