Lithuanian actress, writer, director from Luxembourg. She has been working in cinema since the age of 15, has participated in international theatre and film projects, has written and directed the films "Is That, Like, Your Real Job?", "And He Said Yes!", "Date Night", and co-directed the short documentary film "Aftermath, Afterpath". Parulytė has recently created the web series Ladybits and continues to work in film. The author of several books, she has studied communication and written articles and essays for magazines. Her directorial work has been seen by audiences in New York, Berlin, Brussels and London. Lithuanian audiences have also had the opportunity to get to know Parulytė's work - in 2019, the autobiographical mono-play A Lithualien in the Land of Bananas was performed at the State Theatre of Vilnius, while last year's ConTempo International Performing Arts Festival hosted the mono-play Lovefool.