Goda Stanionytė has been teaching for more than 10 years, teaching children and adults to play the piano. Students successfully participate in national and international competitions and festivals. Goda also organizes methodological events, concerts, festivals, and is a member of the competition jury.Goda graduated from Kaunas J. Naujalis Music Gymnasium, then continued her bachelor's studies in performing arts at "VDU" Academy of Music. He completed his master's studies at "LMTA". Studied with Z. Ibelgauptas, J. Karnavičius, R. Rikterė. Goda regularly performs and participates in competitions as part of a piano duo, as well as accompanying choirs and soloists as a professional concertmaster. During the quarantine period, he popularized and organized one of the first remote student musical projects, "Kaunas Groja", and was also one of the initiators of another remote project, "Muzikinė ziema".