The Florian Fleischer Trio is founded by Florian Fleischer (Berlin). As a young kid he already knew that he wanted to pursue his dream; sharing his love for jazz all around the globe. Nowadays he's working as a guitarist, composer and arranger based in Berlin, always willing to share his passion and ideas with you. "I love to play original music & songs from the sixties and seventies that have made a profound impression on me". In South Korea, Mongolia, China, Japan, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Mexico, he loved to play, but as always, he is open for new oppertunities. Besides he has produced CDs with Massive Schräge (Berlin Avantgarde Trio) and Florian Fleischer und das Gelbe vom Ei (Quartet from Berlin). In the end... He decided to go back to his roots; which he finds in the traditions of Jazz and his childhood. Together with Italian Drummer Alessandro D'Anna -who is known for his bursts of energy, plays also with Benito Gonzalez Trio- and Fabian Timm Berlin-based Bassplayer, they create exciting and unique moments by shaping the music along the night. You'll be blown away by their infectious jazzy energy!