In 1920, the quartet led by the alto saxophonist released its debut album Omega. Under the wing of the prestigious Blue Note campaign, which once released John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter and a host of other jazz greats, the album caused a storm among jazz lovers. The opus of modern mainstream jazz, with strong post-bop influences, made more than one heart beat faster. "Omega revealed Wilkins not only as a superb alto saxophonist, but also as a lyrically-minded composer whose lyricism, vivid melodies and carefully crafted narrative lines are expertly countered by energetic avant-garde improvisational passages.
Voted by the New York Times as the best jazz album of 2020, Omega has opened the door for Wilkins to join the elite of the jazz scene. Concerts at major festivals, praise from music critics, records swept off the shelves of record stores. Wilkins experienced it all, but he did not rest on his laurels. In 2022, he released his second quartet album, The 7th Hand. With this album, Wilkins entered an even more mature and intimate phase of his work. The saxophonist explores the relationship between man and religion, the nooks and crannies of existence between being and nothingness in this suite-like album, which contains numerous references to Wilkins' personal experiences. The musical side of the album reveals an even stronger desire to connect with his roots in African-American musical traditions and a much more obvious inclination towards spiritual jazz aesthetics.