Today, "Jazz Island" is a professional group that sings a cappella music of various genres.Although there is a lot of jazz in the collective's name, their repertoire includes music of various genres in an innovative and unexpected way - from folk music of various nations to classical works or the most popular songs in Lithuania and around the world. Also, "Jazz Island" has prepared a joint program and performs in Lithuania and abroad with the winner of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize - the Čiurlionis String Quartet, as recorded by "Sodauto":"Jazz Island" has earned the title of the best Lithuanian vocal ensemble, won the "Golden Bird" and the "Golden Disk" awards of the Lithuanian Musicians' Union. In 2012, the group took part in the vocal ensemble competition "From the Wells of Silver" and was recognized as the absolute best team of the competition, winning the Grand Prix in all three competition programs - performing folk, jazz and popular and classical music."Jazz Island" often has the task of representing Lithuania at various international events in our country and abroad. In 2011, during Lithuania's presidency of the OSCE, the collective performed in Vienna at events dedicated to this event. In 2012, he organized a concert in Paris for UNESCO ambassadors, who had the opportunity to hear live Lithuanian sutartinas, included in the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage fund. In 2012, the group "Jazz Island" was entrusted to represent Lithuania at the cultural and art festival held in China, later China invited the group again.